
Ulf Jansson, new CEO at Consafe Logistics shares his thoughts on the future in Supply Chain Execution industry

Produktbillede fra virksomheden Consafe Logistics AB - Ulf Jansson, new CEO at Consafe Logistics shares his thoughts on the future in Supply Chain Execution industry

Ulf Jansson, joined Consafe Logistics in September 2010, as CEO for Consafe Logistics Group. Managing global organisations is everyday work for Ulf Jansson, and with previous group executive positions at Swisslog and as CEO for Knapp-Moving, he also brings a vast experience in managing companies offering Logistics Automation and Warehouse Management in the European market and in North America.
His international business experience started in Zambia selling utilities to the copper industry. In 1981 his focus turned to Logistics Automation, where Ulf Jansson has worked in management positions in Sweden, UK, Switzerland and USA.

We meet up with Ulf a sunny day at the headquarters in Lund, Sweden and over a cup of coffee he share his thoughts on the Supply Chain Execution (SCE) industry.

What was your experience of Consafe Logistics before joining the company?

"In my previous positions within the area of Logistics Automation, I have many times been competing against but also cooperated with Consafe Logistics, so I knew this was a company with a strong portfolio in WMS and Mobility. Joining the company only confirmed my beliefs – great experience in logistics, fantastic employees, a competitive product portfolio – and a great potential for further development."

 "We are market leaders in Scandinavia and number two in Europe in WMS*. And our Mobility solutions are building their reputation across the same markets. Our strategy is to continue to be an important supplier within Supply Chain Execution in Europe supporting our customers worldwide on their journey towards success. During the last decade we have established ourselves as an experienced supplier with Best-of-Breed solutions."

Many markets are presently recovering from financial crisis. What type of market changes do you see approaching?

"Today our industry stands before a gigantic challenge. Our competition, ERP suppliers are broadening their offer and compete with Best Suite instead of Best-of-Breed. I´m certain that we also will see consolidations of SCE suppliers in near future, where a few larger companies will grow stronger on a global level."

Consafe Logistics has strong competition…what is your advantage?

"Consafe Logistics will be happy to take on the challenge from ERP suppliers. We know that our solutions compete well in terms of functionality, implementation, quality and Support & Service offer. Our long-term partnership with some major global customers is a good proof for this statement. I think we are much better equipped for supplying what the customers need long-term, by being more adaptable and coherent than large ERP suppliers – which often are too big for their own good."

"There are many areas where Best-of-Breed solutions take the gold medal e.g Performance Management is an area where we have several solutions already in place. Our business area Consafe Mobility stands strong in the transport and distribution segment – where we work actively with supporting the demands connected to Sustainability."

Any expansion plans?….

"Our aim is to use our very strong market position in Scandinavia to develop our presence in more European countries. To survive and prosper we need to expand, but never at the expense of customer satisfaction, product quality or for that matter Employee Satisfaction. Today, our solutions are implemented in more than 30 countries because we support our customers wherever they are located. This is a strategy we will maintain."

Where does Consafe Logistics stand in relation to competition?

"Partnership, Innovation and NoNonsense are three important values for Consafe Logistics. Our PIN code is the guiding star in our customer relations. We need to be coherent but also stand for integrity in our dialogue with our customers. No one of us will benefit of a "yes-saying" supplier/partner. We know what works and what does not work in SCE and our 34 years of experience give us the crediability to state that."

"I think it is vital that we live up to what we promise, deliver on time and have an active dialogue with our customers. All this said, my experience is that it has never been healthy for any company to adapt the product portfolio for every spoken customer demand. Our strategy is to present a portfolio of best-of breed solutions in all the markets where we act - neither more, nor less."

Can you give any advice to companies about to start supply chain investments?

"The ever changing business landscape demands total control of your business processes to be competitive. It is important to have a clear picture of the strategic value and the impact you want your supply chain investment to bring. You need to remember that even small changes can generate large effects.
Many companies need to be more detailed in their requirement specification. It will cost them both time and money not to do a thorough work. And do not underestimate the implementation plan, when problem occurs there is often a discrepancy between expectations and delivery"

 "We have a dedicated Customer Service and they are "on their toes" every day to help our customers. We work closely with our customers when they have suggestions for improvements to accomplish our common objective. I guarantee that Consafe Logistics employees have the customer benefit as first priority and that is a strong competitive advantage in today’s market.

* Source: ARC WMS Worldwide Outlook 2009



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